The bright and the dark
side of exceptions
Video performanceDonna Haraway wrote.
In the video performance «The bright and the dark side of exceptions», we see a body "thrown" in the city. The body as a meta-object tries to listen to the urban fabric. The body as a unit of measurement of humanity.

In an age where digital environments impose themselves on the body. Digital worlds turn the body into a meta-object and claim its existence and non-existence.
The paradoxical body tries to listen to the loneliness of the city to listen to its pulse. A body in another rhythm, a meta-body in a parallel space and time.
It indicates the paradox of the post humanity era.

Duration: 3:29’’
Performers: Eugenia Grammenou, City of Athens
Text: Evgenios Aranitsis
Letter from Greece to Nikitas Siniosoglou, Lifo, 28-7-2020
Music: Dalot, Haikou 15, Haikou 17
Editing: Konstantinos Kolatsos
Camera: Eno Athanasiadou, Kalliopi Georgarudi
Translation: Dora Bampali
Τhe video performance was presented at :
Imago festival, Grosso Modo gallery Tel Aviv, Israel
“Futuristic Nostalgia” International Exibition
Momentum Gallery by AP KunstArt curated by Anna Petelenz Krakow, Polska
Muestra Internationalsion De Videoperformance Dislocada/Dislocated 2023 Bogota, Colombia
Ecosistem Festival International De Arte Performative Bucharest Romania
IMAF 2022 International Multimedia Art Festival Serbia
XI Festival Internacional de Performance Acciones al Margen Bucaramanga, Colombia
Festival Seni Performance Kaliwungu Jawa, Indonesia

Δεν ζούμε στον τόπο μας, αφού ο τόπος δεν υπάρχει ούτε ζούμε στην εξορία, αφού όλα είναι γνώριμα· ζούμε στη ζώνη εκείνη των αναρίθμητων φωτεινών και σκοτεινών εξαιρέσεων, όπου οι πόλεμοι μένουν ακήρυχτοι κι όπου τα δέντρα δεν ανθίζουν αλλά ανθίζονται.
Eυγένιος Αρανίτσης
Γράμμα από την Ελλάδα στον Νικήτα Σινιόσογλου, Lifo 28-7-2020
We do not live in our place, as our place, does not exist neither do we live in exile, as everything is known to us already we live in the zone of innumerable light and dark exceptions, where wars remain undeclared and trees don’t bloom themselves but get bloomed.
Evgenios Aranitsis
Letter from Greece to Nikitas Siniosoglou,
Lifo 28-7-2020