Fragile! Handle with care


"Gender is an implicit internal formulation of the intention to become a man or a woman, not a prefabricated identity or an established substance"
 Judith Batler

In the performance Fragile! Handle with care, fragility is the central core of the action. One of the basic characteristics that has been attributed to the female nature over the centuries is fragility. "Fragile" was identified with woman/femininity. It is a "traditional" aspect of the constructed female identity. The performance Fragile! Handle with care explores constructed versions of gender in order to challenge us to reflect on it.

Artist: Eugenia Grammenou
Curator: Katerina Kataki
Dramaturgy: Eno Athanasiadou, Eugenia Grammenou, Georgia Diakou
Sound design: Dimitris Roidis
Performers: Fenia Apostolou, Georgia Spyropoulou, Georgia Spyropoulou

The performance was presented at Performance Rooms 2024, Kappatos Gallery, Athens Greece, February 2024
