Digital Love
How we fall in love in the age of social mediaThe process of public exposure of the private self finds its most powerful expression on the internet, “A technology that presupposes and implements a public emotional self and even makes the public emotional self precede and compose private interactions.” Eva Illouz reports.
The digital world and applications are taking over, drastically changing the perception of self and the world.
How is love experienced today? In the age of social media and digital connectivity. In the era that often precedes and dominates the digital identity and image; Physical contact at which stage of influencing relationships exists and how much does it influence or define the relationship? Has the structuring of relationships and self-perception in digital environments been redefined? In the end, how digital is modern love in the years of digital everyday life?

The performance Digital Love comments on the contemporary process of relationships/non-relationships, proximity and distance that arise in digital environments. He comments on the need for contact but also the isolation behind screens. Two people, a girl and a boy, wish to communicate, to fall in love. Is there really a desire that leads to the "other" or do they prefer the safety of "digital cellophane"?

Consept: Eugenia Grammenou
Directed by: Eugenia Grammenou
Performers: Eri Polizogopoulou
Nikos Vlahogiannis
Sound Design : Stavros Katsioulis
The performance was presented at Athens Municipal Art Gallery at Athens City Festival and at Open Nights festival Larissa, May 2023